It’s time to stop overlooking all the things that make you awesome.
It’s easy to be tough on ourselves, become fixated on our shortcomings or hold on to the times we were disappointed in ourselves. It’s less easy to exude confidence and toot your own horn, especially when your personal expectations are so high. This round up of often-overlooked reasons is meant to serve as a reminder of why you are, in fact, pretty damn amazing.
You hold down the life necessities
Okay, sometimes dinner is delivered to you every night of the week (thanks, Internet), but at least you get it done. You manage to wake up every day, get ready and go to work to be able to pay your bills and rent an apartment. You’re an adult, and that’s certainly not easy.
Your role models are really cool
You identify more with the go-getter character Leslie Knope on Parks and Rec than any top model. You know there’s more to a healthy bod than having a good photographer with Photoshop skills. You choose role models who inspire you with their attitude and accomplishments over superficial reasons that goofy magazines tend to highlight.
Your friends are the best
Your friends were drawn to you because of your energy, personality and outlook on life. When you have great friends, that’s totally a reflection on yourself. You’ve managed to build new and lasting friendships, and keep them strong over time. You must be really great.
Your are open minded and supportive
How many times has a friend come to you with a story of their crazy weekend, and no matter how glad you were that it sounded nothing like your weekend, you didn’t change your opinion about that person one bit? That’s because you’re open minded. It’s one of the things that makes you an awesome friend. No questions, only love. (Okay, maybe some questions, but love just the same.)
You’ve already come so far
Think back to where you were a couple of years ago, and compare that to your life today. You’ve changed. You’ve successfully adapted to what life threw your way as you navigated toward your goals, and you’re still doing it. It takes a lot to keep pushing, and not only have you done that, but you’ve accomplished some things along the way. Give yourself a pat on the back!
You allow yourself to chill out
Sometimes it seems like you’re doing something wrong if you can’t win the “who’s busiest” conversation that seems to take place all too often lately. You enjoy the fact that once in a while you don’t have to work all weekend on a project, or can take a night to yourself once a week to just read a book. Make no mistake, this is an art form that most cannot allow themselves to perfect.
You’re strong enough to fail
You have a lot of ideas and the driving force to launch them into action. Needless to say, everything doesn’t work out 100% of the time, and that’s perfectly fine. Your power is in your ability to not dwell on the fails but to instead keep moving forward, full steam ahead.